Tuesday, October 7, 2008

language beliefs

I believe that how you talk depends on the situation. I think this because when you are talking to someone you would speak differently then when you talk to your friend. You wold talk more proper to someone that is highly respected then with the man in the drug store.

1 comment:

rompecabezas said...

I'm wondering if 'situational' talking --meaning switching your mode of talking depending on who you are talking to --is perceived as a negative thing? I wonder if people would think of this as phony? Like someone who does that is trying to be two different kinds of people. On the other hand maybe some would say that this is 'just' being adaptable...no doubt we've seen plenty of examples of politicians lately switching the 'tone' and presentation of what they are saying depending on who they are saying it to. Maybe after all it's a strength.